The 2024 Atlantic Laser Tag season has come to a close. It was a phenomenal kick off for our first ever league. Stay tuned for 2025 league news! We're excited to take it to the next level.
This League was created to offer regular structured semi-competitive play for individuals in our community that are looking for an alternative sport. Our Laser Tag system puts a heavy emphasis on teamwork, communication, and strategy to win each match. It is dynamic and engaging gameplay that you won't find anywhere else!
View the scores, teams, and rules from the past 2024 season below.
League Format​
The ALTL runs over the course of 2 regular season event dates and a final playoff session at the end of regular season play.​
Regular Season Event Info
Arrival time of 8:45am with games starting at 9:00am
Dates & Venue​
​Saturday October 19th, 2024​
Industrial Building (Exhibition Grounds) 73 Ryland Ave, Bible Hill
​Saturday November 2nd, 2024​
Industrial Building (Exhibition Grounds) 73 Ryland Ave, Bible Hill
​​​​​Saturday November 16th, 2024​
Industrial Building (Exhibition Grounds) 73 Ryland Ave, Bible Hill
Up to 7 rostered players per team (Active 4 players on field, can switch players between matches)​
Entry & Prizing
$600+hst Entry per team
Prizing *based on 8 teams
1st Place - $750 + Free Entry into the Fall Finale Grand Tournament
Top Eliminations (In single round during regular season gameplay)
Most Assists (In single round during regular season gameplay)
MVP Award
Regular Season MVP Award​
Playoffs MVP Award​​
Sportsmanship Award (Awarded at end of regular season)
Regular Season Format
A Regular Season Match is a Best of 7 Series
Every game mode won during the series counts as 1 point with the first team to 4 points taking the series win
First team to 4 points wins. In the event of a tie during the series, it is counted as so and teams move onto the next match.
If at the end of the series the teams are tied (ex. 3-3 with Game 7 being a draw) it counts as a tie for series points awards
Teams take turns selected game modes from the 9 available game modes in the Game Mode pool
Teams are each also allowed to VETO a single LOADOUT or GAME MODE at the start of the series
Every Best of 7 Series won awards 3 Points to a teams Season Standing Points.
A tie results in both teams earning 1 Point to their Season Standing Points​
+/- will be tracked for tie breakers for determining who makes playoffs
Please review the official League Rules Package for full details​
- ​Top 6 teams advance to the playoffs which is a DOUBLE ELIMINTION format bracket
- Teams ranked 1st and 2nd automatically advance to the second round of the compeition​
- Each round in the playoffs is a Best of 5 using the standard VETO and Game Mode Pool selection format
- The Grand Finals is a Best of 7 series is the only variation to this format​
Game Mode Pool
Please View the League Rules Package for Complete Details on Loadouts, Game Modes, and the Field Layout
Available Game Modes​
TDM Hardcore
Limited Lives (3 Lives per Player)
Eliminate the enemy team to score
5 Min Time Limit
Most Eliminations at end of round or fully eliminate opposing team for Victory
Team Elimination
25 Eliminations to win​
Eliminate the enemy team to score
5 Min Time Limit
Most Eliminations at end of round or fully eliminate opposing team for Victory
Control the objective boxes and eliminate players to score
5 Min Time Limit (Or highest score at end of round)
500 Point Limit for Victory
Protect your designed VIP Player and eliminate opposing teams VIP to score​
5 Min Time Limit (Or highest score at end of round)
3 VIP Eliminations for Victory
Single Flag
Capture neutral flag to score
5 Min Time Limit (Or Most Captures at end of round)
3 Flag Capture for Victory
King of the Hill
Control the central objective and eliminate players to score
5 Min Time Limit (Or highest score at end of round)
300 Point Limit for Victory
Blue Team is Defense, Red Team is Offense
5 Min Time Limit (Or highest score at end of round)
Blue Team defends Objs until time to win
Red Team must secure 3/4 Objs to win
Data Uplink
Mode details TBD when Y1S4 is officially released​​
VIP Extraction
Mode details TBD when Y1S4 is officially released​